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Should you rinse your mouth out after cleaning your teeth?

Teeth cleaning is vital for oral hygiene. For the majority of us, the routine of brushing our teeth has been the same since we were children. However, many people aren’t brush their teeth as well as they could. It’s important to brush your teeth twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Most people were taught the method of clean, spit, rinse from an early age and it’s the method which is still most adhered to. What is the best teeth cleaning method for oral health? Should you rinse your mouth after brushing?

Do you need to rinse after brushing your teeth?

Should you rinse your mouth after brushing? Although it is natural to want to rinse your mouth out with water after brushing your teeth, it can actually be better for your oral health to skip the step of rinsing. Fluoride toothpaste is designed to strengthen enamel. The longer the fluoride has to sit on the tooth, the more benefit your teeth get from the product. If you rinse your mouth out with water after brushing, you may also be rinsing with it the ingredients which are designed to protect your teeth.

Fluoride is a mineral found in most toothpaste and can help to strengthen your teeth. Fluoride works by making your teeth more resistant to attacking acids. It can reverse early tooth decay. If you are not already using a toothpaste which contains fluoride, we recommend you switch to one that does.

It’s important to find the best fluoride toothpaste for you, which will depend on your oral health. Generic Duraphat Toothpaste or Colgate Duraphat Toothpaste both contain 2800ppm of fluoride, so is a stronger toothpaste and will be the best fluoride toothpaste for someone who is already experiencing early stages of tooth decay.

If you are a smoker, Clinomyn Toothpaste may be the best fluoride toothpaste for you. As well as containing fluoride, it’s also clinically proven to help remove stains on your teeth so it can improve any discolouration caused from smoking, as well as caffeine and wine.

If you are looking for a more affordable option, Biotene Toothpaste is the best fluoride toothpaste for you. It contains fluoride, is free of sodium lauryl sulphate and helps freshen breath as well as keeping teeth healthy.

How to brush your teeth

The best toothpaste to remove plaque is one that you use twice a day. There are different techniques of how to brush your teeth and you may have been taught a different way. The best method of teeth cleaning is to use fluoride toothpaste, the best toothpaste to remove plaque and keep teeth and gums healthy. Brush for two minutes using a brush with soft bristles – it doesn’t matter whether your toothbrush is manual or electric as long as it can cover everywhere that needs covering. Many people believe that getting the best toothpaste to remove plaque is important, but it’s actually more down to the bristles being able to rub the plaque away from teeth that help with plaque build-up.

A common mistake with teeth cleaning is people tend to ‘scrub’ their teeth. Rather than scrubbing, try to ‘massage’ the teeth with your brush instead, going in circular motions around each tooth, making sure to clean the entirety of each tooth.

Should you rinse your mouth after brushing?

Fluoride might need a bit of extra time on the surface of teeth in order to strengthen tooth enamel. Whilst there are small amounts of fluoride added to drinking water and fluoride naturally occurring in some food, it’s also added to dental products to improve tooth health. Fluoride has the most benefits on oral health when applied directly to the teeth. When fluoride is on your teeth for several minutes after brushing, it has a stronger chance of protecting teeth and provides the greatest benefits for your oral health. After brushing, avoid drinking or eating for at least 10 minutes.

Rather than rinsing your mouth with water, the UK Oral Health Foundation now recommend just spitting out excess saliva and toothpaste instead. 

Should you rinse after brushing?

In short, no, you shouldn’t rinse after brushing. However, children should rinse their mouth with water after teeth cleaning as there is a small danger of ingesting too much fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste is safe for children, but only an amount similar to the size of a rice grain should be used and the child should rinse their mouth with water straight after brushing. If children ingest an amount of fluoride which is designed for adult use, it can cause side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. This can be the case in adults as well, but it would only occur in rare occasions as digesting the levels of fluoride which would cause any toxicity or side effects – it wouldn’t happen from using a pea sized amount of toothpaste. Side effects in adults usually only occur when fluoride products which are intended for use in dental offices are used incorrectly.

The NHS website has lots of useful information in order to help you look after your teeth and gums.

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