Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Haemorrhoids, often called piles, are uncomfortable swellings around the anus, causing itching and soreness. My Pharmacy offers a variety of prescription haemorrhoid medications, including creams, ointments, and suppositories from trusted brands like Anusol and Scheriproct, available through a simple online process. For those preferring over-the-counter options, we also provide treatments like Anodesyn and Preparation H.

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    • About Haemorrhoids

      Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins located around the anus or in the lower rectum. There are two types of haemorrhoids: external and internal. External haemorrhoids are under the skin around the anus and may cause symptoms such as itching, discomfort, and swelling. Internal haemorrhoids are found in the lining of the anus and lower rectum and are typically painless, although they can bleed when irritated.

      The condition is quite common, affecting both men and women, especially those over the age of 50. Haemorrhoids can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum due to straining during bowel movements, prolonged sitting, pregnancy, being overweight, or eating a low-fibre diet.

      Complications from haemorrhoids are rare but can include anaemia from chronic blood loss, strangulated haemorrhoids where the blood supply to an internal haemorrhoid is cut off, and thrombosed haemorrhoids which are external haemorrhoids that have formed a blood clot.

    • Symptoms

      The symptoms of haemorrhoids (piles) can vary depending on whether they are internal or external, but common indicators include:

      ● Bright red bleeding, separate from stool, often noticeable on toilet paper.
      ● Itchiness around the anus.
      ● Discomfort or soreness in the anal area.
      ● Pain during bowel movements, especially noted with external haemorrhoids that may prolapse or extend outside the anus.
      ● The presence of lumps around the anus, which may be tender and swollen.

      These symptoms can lead to further discomfort, such as a feeling of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement and visible mucus on toilet paper or underwear.

    • Diagnosis

      To diagnose haemorrhoids, medical experts typically rely on both the patient’s medical history and a thorough physical examination. The process usually begins with an inquiry into the patient’s symptoms, dietary habits, and bowel routines. This is crucial for determining the presence of haemorrhoids and for ruling out other conditions that could mimic similar symptoms.

      Physical Examination:

      ● External Examination: This involves inspecting the anal region for any visible abnormalities such as external haemorrhoids, skin tags, or other lesions.
      ● Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): The healthcare provider will wear a glove and lubricate a finger to gently probe the rectum. This helps in identifying any internal haemorrhoids, abnormal growths, or other irregularities.

      Procedural Diagnosis:

      ● Anoscopy: A device called an anoscope is inserted into the rectum to provide a visual inspection of the lower rectum and anal canal. This helps in identifying internal haemorrhoids and assessing their condition.
      ● Proctosigmoidoscopy: For a more in-depth examination, a proctoscope may be used to view deeper into the rectum and the lower part of the colon. This procedure is useful for diagnosing internal haemorrhoids and other conditions affecting the lower gastrointestinal tract.

      These methods are generally well-tolerated by patients, with minimal discomfort and no need for anaesthesia. The choice of diagnostic approach may depend on the symptoms presented and the severity of the haemorrhoids.

    • Treatment

      Prescription medicines for haemorrhoids often include ingredients that reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and alleviate itching. Commonly used active ingredients in these medications are hydrocortisone, pramoxine, and nitroglycerin, which help shrink haemorrhoids and soothe symptoms. Here are four such products:

      Scheriproct Suppositories – 12 Suppositories

      • Active Ingredients: Prednisolone and Cinchocaine
      • Relieves itching, inflammation, swelling, and pain.
      • Provides effective relief for rectal use.

      Proctosedyl Suppositories (12)

      • Active Ingredients: Hydrocortisone and Cinchocaine
      • Effective treatment for the relief of piles.
      • Reduces inflammation and provides pain relief for rectal conditions.

      Scheriproct Ointment 30g

      • Active Ingredients: Cinchocaine and Prednisolone
      • Relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, and itching.
      • Suitable for external application to provide targeted relief.

      Proctosedyl Ointment 30g

      • Active Ingredients: Hydrocortisone and Cinchocaine (as hydrochloride)
      • Provides relief to haemorrhoids and other painful anus conditions.
      • Treats both internal and external piles effectively.

      These products offer a range of options for managing haemorrhoid symptoms, utilizing potent active ingredients to ensure effective relief and comfort.

    • Prevention Strategies

      To avoid developing haemorrhoids, here are some practical steps you can follow:

      ● Increase Dietary Fibre: Consuming more fibre helps soften the stool and increases its bulk, which can prevent the straining that often leads to haemorrhoids. Foods rich in fibre include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
      ● Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, helps prevent constipation and maintain soft stool consistency.
      ● Exercise Regularly: Engaging in regular physical activity helps improve gastrointestinal health and reduces the risk of constipation, which can pressure the veins in the rectal area.
      ● Mind Your Toilet Habits: Avoid straining during bowel movements and do not sit on the toilet for extended periods. Both can increase pressure on the veins in the rectal area and may lead to haemorrhoids.
      ● Avoid Heavy Lifting: If you must lift heavy objects, be sure to use proper form to avoid putting extra strain on the body.
      ● Listen to Your Body: Respond promptly to the urge to go to the bathroom as delaying can cause harder stools and increased straining.

      These steps can reduce your risk of developing haemorrhoids and alleviate early symptoms before they become more severe.