Zelleta (Desogestrel 75mcg Tablets)


  • Progestogen-Only Oral Contraceptive
  • Active Ingredient: Desogestrel (Zelleta)
  • Over 99% Effective Pregnancy Control Method
  • Buy With Confidence From UK Registered Pharmacy
  • Includes Free Prescription

Zelleta ( Desogestrel 75 microgram ) is a progestogen-only female birth control pill which means that it only contains artificial progestogen ingredients and no oestrogen.

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  • Buy Zelleta Tablets Online

    My Pharmacy is the best place to Buy Zelleta Tablets Online. To Buy Zelleta Tablets UK Next Day Delivery you are not required to have a prescription, but you will need to complete our free online consultation service.

    Buy Zelleta Tablets UK Next Day Delivery

    Through My Pharmacy you can Buy Zelleta Tablets Online. Each treatment is sent out in secure and discreet packaging ensuring that you get your medicine on time and intact.

    Zelleta 75 Micrograms Tablets

    Zelleta 75 Micrograms Tablets contains a small amount a synthetic female sex hormone known as progestogen, its active ingredient desogestrel is used to prevent pregnancy from occurring. Also known as the progestogen-only-pill (POP for short) or the minipill is different to a combined pill and is taken every day of the menstrual cycle without a tablet free break. View more information here on female contraceptive on the NHS website.

    Zelleta Micrograms Tablets

    Zelleta Micrograms Tablets are usually safe for most people to use but there are a small number of people who should not use them. Do not use Zelleta Micrograms Tablets:
    • If you are allergic to any of the ingredients
    • If you have or have had jaundice or severe liver disease
    • If you have or if you are suspected of to have a cancer that is sensitive to sex-steroids
    • If you have any unexplained vaginal bleeding
    • If you have a thrombosis
    If you are ever unsure if Zelleta 75 Micrograms Tablets are safe for you to use, you should seek advice from a doctor or a pharmacist before starting treatment.

    Zelleta 75 Micrograms Tablets Desogestrel

    Zelleta 75 Micrograms Tablets Desogestrel should be stored away safely as follows:
    • Out of the sight and reach of children
    • Not used after the expiry date stated
    Returning any unused or expired Zelleta 75 Micrograms Tablets Desogestrel to your local pharmacy for safe disposal can help prevent them getting into the wrong hands, including those of young children, who can be harmed by taking medicines not intended for them, it can also help protect the environment.

    What Do Zelleta Tablets Do?

    What Do Zelleta Tablets Do? If taken correctly Zelleta 75 Micrograms Tablets Desogestrel are up to 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, in some circumstances the percentage is lowered this includes when vomiting diarrhoea or a missed pill occurs, see the Patient Information Leaflet for more information on what to do if this happens to you. How to take Zelleta correctly:
    • Take one pill every day at the same time each day following the days marked on the strip
    If you require any further information on What Do Zelleta Tablets Do? Please do not hesitate to contact us via the email address below.

    Zelleta Tablets Side Effects

    Like with all medicine, Zelleta Tablets Side Effects can occur but that does not mean they experienced by everyone. If you experience any of these Zelleta Tablets Side Effects, especially if any of them are getting progressively worse, immediately stop and speak to your doctor as soon as possible. Common
    • Mood changes, depressed mood
    • Decreased sexual drive
    • Headache
    • Nausea
    • Acne
    • Breast pain
    • Irregular or no periods
    • Weight increase
    • Infection of the vagina
    • Difficulties in wearing contact lenses
    • Vomiting
    • Hair loss
    • Painful periods
    • Ovarian cysts
    • Tiredness
    • Red skin lumps
    • Rash
    • Hives
    You should immediately see a doctor if you experience any of the following Zelleta Tablets Side Effects symptoms, swollen tongue, face or pharynx, difficulty swallowing or hives and difficulty breathing as these symptoms can indicate an allergic reaction.

    Zelleta Contraceptive Pill

    If you miss taking a Zelleta Contraceptive Pill or have forgotten to take it, you should follow the advice below: Less than 12 hours late:
    • Take a Zelleta Contraceptive Pill as soon as you remember and take the next at the usual time (Zelleta Contraceptive Pill will still protect you from pregnancy)
    More than 12 hours late:
    • You may not be entirely protected from pregnancy
    • The more tablets you have missed the higher the risk that you might fall pregnant
    • Again, take the tablet as soon as you remember and take the next at the usual time
    • Extra methods of contraception should be used, such as a condom for next seven days
    • If more than 12 hours late and you have had sex it is safe to use emergency contraception
    • If you missed one or more tablets in the very first week of starting the tablet and had intercourse in the week before missing the tablets, you may still fall pregnant

    Desogestrel Zelleta

    You can order Desogestrel Zelleta online with next day delivery by filling out the above consultation form and it to your basket and leaving us to do the rest. My Pharmacy offers many Desogestrel Zelleta and other contraceptive methods. Some of theseย ย  Desogestrel Zelleta alternatives include but are not limited to: See a full list of our female contraceptive treatments here at My Pharmacy.

    Zelleta Mini Pill

    Bleeding while taking Zelleta Mini Pill may occur at irregular intervals, the bleeding can range from slight stains that may not require a pad, or heavier bleeds, which look similar to a small period that may require the need of tampons or sanitary towels. You may not experience any bleeding at all while taking Zelleta Mini Pill. Irregular bleeding is not a sign the Zelleta Mini Pill is not working as it should. Generally, no action will be needed, and you can continue taking the Zelleta Contraceptive Pill as normal unless the bleeding increases or becomes heavier, you should contact your doctor for advice.


    Zeletta Pill Ingredients

    Before using this medicine, you should view the Zeletta Pill Ingredients if you are allergic to any of the Zeletta Pill Ingredients, you should avoid using them and contact a healthcare professional for advice on an alternative treatment. Zeletta Pill Ingredients Desogestrel, lactose anhydrous, all-rac-ฮฑ-tocopherol, Povidone, Potato starch, Silica colloidal anhydrous, Stearic acid.

    Zelleta NHS

    Zelleta NHS is available on the NHS, you can order repeat Zelleta NHS Prescriptions from My Pharmacy UK with next day delivery, if this is something you are interested in you will have had to have had your GP or contraceptive nurse review and have them prescribed regularly on the NHS, can send all of your medicines through this service if needed. If you are interested in signing up, please contact us for further information on signing up to the Zelleta NHS prescription service or if there is anything else, we can assist you with please feel free to contact our helpful customer service team on info@mypharmacy.co.uk

    Zelleta Reviews

    At My Pharmacy we take great pride in providing all over customers with an outstanding service.ย  Through our free online prescription service, you can trust us to deliver a high-quality service with affordable medicine dispensed by our licensed UK Pharmacy. Many customers leave Zelleta Reviews via email or via the trust pilot section of the website so everyone can access them. โ€œYou can view all our 5-Star Zelleta Reviews at Trustpilot Reviews.
  • The Mini-Pill

    POP prevents pregnancy by thickening the mucus in the cervix to stop sperm reaching an egg.
    The desogestrel progestogen-only pill can also stop ovulation.

    Progestogen-only pills contain the hormone progestogen, but don’t contain oestrogen.
    You need to take the progestogen-only pill reliably every day and if taken correctly, it’s more than 99% effective.

    You take a pill every day, with no break between packs of pills.
    The progestogen-only pill can be used by women who can’t use contraception that contains oestrogen.
    You can take the progestogen-only pill if you’re over 35 and you smoke.
    You must take the progestogen-only pill at the same time each day. If you take it more than 3 hours late (traditional progestogen-only pill) โ€“ or 12 hours late (desogestrel pill) โ€“ it may not be effective.
    If you’re sick (vomit) or have severe diarrhoea, the progestogen-only pill may not work.
    Some medicines may affect the progestogen-only pill’s effectiveness โ€“ ask your doctor for details.
    Your periods may stop or become lighter, irregular or more frequent.
    Side effects may include spotty skin and breast tenderness โ€“ these should clear up within a few months.
    You’ll need to use condoms as well as the progestogen-only pill to be protected against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

    How to take the progestogen-only pill
    There are 2 different types of progestogen-only pill:

    3-hour progestogen-only pill โ€“ must be taken within 3 hours of the same time each day
    12-hour progestogen-only pill (desogestrel progestogen-only pill) โ€“ must be taken within 12 hours of the same time each day.

    You can start the progestogen-only pill at any time in your menstrual cycle.

    If you start it on day 1 to 5 of your menstrual cycle (the first 5 days of your period), it’ll work straight away and you’ll be protected against pregnancy. You won’t need additional contraception.

    If you have a short menstrual cycle, you’ll need additional contraception, such as condoms, until you’ve taken the pill for 2 days.

    If you start the progestogen-only pill on any other day of your cycle, you won’t be protected from pregnancy straight away and will need additional contraception until you’ve taken the pill for 2 days.

    After having a baby
    If you’ve just had a baby, you can start the progestogen-only pill on day 21 after the birth. You’ll be protected against pregnancy straight away.


    What to do if you miss a pill
    If you forget to take a progestogen-only pill, what you should do depends on:

    If you’re less than 3 or less than 12 hours late taking the pill (depending on the pill you take).

    take the late pill as soon as you remember, and
    take the remaining pills as normal, even if that means taking 2 pills on the same day.



    The progestogen-only pill is very safe to take. But, as with the combined contraceptive pill, there are certain risks.

    For most women, benefits of the progestogen-only pill outweigh the risks.

    Ovarian cysts
    Some women can develop fluid-filled cysts on their ovaries. These aren’t dangerous and don’t usually need to be removed.

    The cysts usually disappear without treatment. In many cases, the cysts don’t cause symptoms, although some women experience pelvic pain.

    Breast cancer
    Research is continuing into the link between breast cancer and the progestogen-only pill.

    There isn’t enough evidence to say for certain that the progestogen-only pill doesn’t increase the risk of breast cancer.

    But if there is any increased risk, it’s likely to be very small and disappear with time after you stop taking the progestogen-only pill.

    Doctors don’t think using the progestogen-only pill is likely to increase the risk in women who have close relatives who have had breast cancer.


  • Further Information

    Patient information leaflet.

    Side Effects
    Like all medicines, Cerazette can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
    Tell your doctor if you notice any unwanted effect, especially if severe or persistent.
    Serious side effects associated with the use of Cerazette are described in section 2 ‘What you need to know before you take Cerazette’. Please read this section for additional information on โ€˜Breast cancerโ€™ and โ€˜Thrombosisโ€™ and consult your doctor at once where appropriate. Vaginal bleeding may occur at irregular intervals while using Cerazette. This may be just slight staining which may not even require a pad, or heavier bleeding, which looks rather like a scanty period. You may need to use tampons or sanitary towels. You may also not have any bleeding at all. Irregular bleeding is not a sign that Cerazette is not working. In general, you need not take any action; just continue to take Cerazette. If bleeding is heavy or prolonged you should consult your doctor.

    How often are other possible side effects seen?
    Common (affecting less than 1 in 10 women): mood changes, depressed mood, decreased sexual drive (libido), headache, nausea, acne, breast pain, irregular or no periods, weight increase.
    Uncommon (affecting less than 1 in 100 women) infection of the vagina, difficulties in wearing contact lenses, vomiting, hair loss, painful periods, ovarian cysts, tiredness.

    Rare (affecting less than 1 in 1000 women) skin conditions such as: rash, hives, painful blue-red skin lumps (erythema nodosum)

    Apart from these side effects, breast secretion or leakage may occur.

    You should see your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of angioedema, such as (i) swollen face, tongue or pharynx; (ii) difficulty to swallow; or (iii) hives and difficulties to breathe.