Marvelon Tablets 150/30mcg


  • Combined Oral Contraceptive
  • Active Ingredients: Desogestrel (Progestogen) And Ethinylestradiol (Oestrogen)
  • Over 99% Effective Pregnancy Control Method
  • Buy With Confidence From UK Registered Pharmacy
  • Includes Free Prescription

Marvelon is a combined female birth control pill (or ‘The Pill’) which means that it contains artificial progestogen and oestrogen ingredients. The combined pill works by preventing ovulation, thickening the mucus in the neck of the womb to make it harder for sperm to reach the egg.

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  • Buy Marvelon Pills UK Online

    My Pharmacy is the Best Place to Buy Marvelon Tablets Online UK in 2023. To order Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Online in the UK you are required to have a prescription, which you can acquire with our free online consultation service.

    Order Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Online Next Day Delivery

    Through My Pharmacy you can Buy Marvelon Pills UK Next Day Delivery. Each treatment is sent out in secure and discreet packaging ensuring that you get your medicine on time and intact.

    Marvelon Contraceptive Pill

    When looking for the best Contraceptive Pill Online consider marvelon contraceptive pill online. Marvelon birth control is a combined oral contraceptive, also called the pill. It contains two types of female hormones: an oestrogen, ethinylestradiol, and a progestogen, levonorgestrel in a low dose. Taking Marvelon contraceptive pill protects you against getting pregnant in three ways. These hormones:
    1. Stop the ovary from releasing an egg each month
    2. Thicken the fluid making it more difficult for the sperm to reach the egg.
    3. Alter the lining of the womb to make it less likely to accept a fertilised egg
    To start an order and order marvelon contraceptive pill online, simply fill out the above consultation form for free and add the product to your basket. Marvelon birth control will not protect you from sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia or HIV. Only condoms can protect you from STIs. NHS information about STIs.

    Marvelon Birth Control

    Marvelon birth control works by combining the two types of female sex hormones, oestrogen and progestogen. Once these hormones are released from the pill, they prevent an egg from being released from the ovaries so a women doesn’t get pregnant. Marvelon contraceptive pill is one of many methods of birth control, in the form of a pill. Others that aren’t marvelon birth control include –
    • Contraceptive implants
    • Birth control shots
    • Birth control patch
    • Vaginal ring
    • Diaphragm and cervical cap
    • Male condoms

    Marvelon 28 Price

    Marvelon 28 price is available at My Pharmacy, with a 63 tablet box costing £14.99 and 126 tablets costing £24.99. Using our website you can fill out our free consultation and buy marvelon pills uk. We offer the best Marvelon 28 price on the web, with plenty available in stock. Buy marvelon tablets online uk via My Pharmacy UK.

    How To Use Marvelon

    How to use marvelon, a guide to using Marvelon from the patient information leaflet included with each box of Marvelon contraceptive pill. To prevent pregnancy, this medicine should be always taken exactly as described by your doctor or in the patient information leaflet. If you are still unsure about how to use Marvelon, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Marvelon should be taken every day for 21 days. Each of the strips included with Marvelon are marked with a day of the week.
    • The pill should be taken at the same time every day.
    • The course should be started by taking a pill marked with the current correct day of the week.
    • The strips will have arrows, follow the direction of the arrows. Taking one pill each day, until all 21 pills have been finished.
    • Do no chew the pill. Swallow it whole, with water if needed.
    Once you have finished all 21 pills in the strip, you should then have seven pill free days, taking no pills. Within a few days of taking the last pill, you should experience a withdrawal bleed like a period. This bleed may not have finished when it is time to start the next strip of pills. No extra contraception should be needed during the seven pill free days, as long as the pills have been taken correctly. The next strip should then be started after the seven pill free days, even if you’re still bleeding. Always start the new strip on time.

    Marvelon Side Effects

    Like with all medicine, Marvelon Side Effects can occur but these aren’t experienced by everyone. If you experience any of these Marvelon side effects, especially if any of them are getting progressively worse, immediately stop and speak to your doctor as soon as possible. Below is a list of Marvelon Side Effects experienced more, or less when people have taken Marvelon birth control. For a full list, please refer to the patient information leaflet. Serious Side Effects
    • Signs of deep vein thrombosis
      • Swelling of one leg or along a vein in the leg
      • Pain or tenderness in the leg which may be felt when walking or standing
      • Increased warmth in the affected leg
      • Skin colour change, turning pale, red or blue
    • Headache
    • Putting on weight
    • Breast problems
    • Depression or mood changes
    • Stomach problems
    • Migraine
    • Fluid retention
    • Decreased sexual desire
    • Vomiting
    • Skin problems
    • Breast enlargement
    • Changes in vaginal bleeding
    • Milky fluid produced from breasts
    • Hypersensitivity reactions
    • Discomfort of the eyes
    • Decreased weight
    • Harmful blood clots

    Marvelon Pill Acne

    Marvelon Pill acne, can sometimes be helped when taking marvelon or contraceptives. Marvelon contains progestogens and because of this, taking them orally may indirectly help with any acne. Not just acne, but any androgen related skin disorders can be helped when taking Marvelon Pill acne, such as Hirsutism. This is when excessive body hair grows in places where hair is normally absent or minimal. If you are considering taking the Marvelon Pill acne, talk to your doctor first about other treatment options.

    Marvelon Nausea

    Marvelon Nausea can be one of many side effects when taking this contraceptive pill. Nausea may be experienced when a person overdoses on Marvelon along with other symptoms such as vomiting and slight vaginal bleeding. If you experience any Marvelon nausea or other symptoms related to an overdose, contact your doctor immediately.

    Does Marvelon Cause Weight Gain?

    Does marvelon cause weight gain? During a study comparing Marvelon, Yasmin and Microgynon; Yasmin was the only one to show weight loss within the first year of taking it. Whereas when taking Marvelon or Microgynon, the patients were shown to have gained weight. Before deciding on what contraceptive pill is best for you, don’t be afraid to ask any questions regarding ‘Does Marvelon cause weight gain?’. The reason some contraceptive pills cause weight gain is because of the ingredient called Estrogen. In high doses, Estrogen can cause weight gain due to an increased appetite and fluid retention. More recent updates to birth control have reduced the amount of hormones, so weight gain is not a likely problem many women will come across.

    Marvelon Reviews

    Here are some Marvelon Reviews taken from For more Marvelon Reviews go to and sort through other Marvelon reviews posted there. ‘First used when I was 16, am happily using 14 years later. Have checked with doctors and long term use is fine. They have offered alternatives (coil, implant) but these seem more painful (coil) or unpredictable (implant) and don't have the advantage of skipping or planning periods. Emotionally I feel stable on these and don't appear to have mood swings. Rarely have mid-cycle spotting (once a year or so). Was briefly given non-branded pill with same active ingredients but found that led to more spotting so went back to marvelon.’ ‘I tried a lot of combined pills and found this one to be the best. I have endometriosis and found this made my periods very light and I saw a significant reduction in cramping. I do feel tired and dizzy at times but for me the side effects are worth the benefits.’

    Marvelon Other Names – Marvelon Alternatives

    Marvelon alternatives sold by My Pharmacy are available with the same delivery options as other contraceptive pills. We offer a broad range of Marvelon alternatives with competitive pricing. Marvelon other names common include –
    • Ethinylestradiol
    • Etynodiol
    • Etynodiol acetate
    • Norethindrone [Noresthisterone]

    Marvelon Generic Brand - Is Gedarel The Same As Marvelon?

    Marvelon generic brand is the generic version of this pill. Is gedarel the same as marvelon? Yes, they both contain the same hormones but gedarel is a branded version. If you are unsure about which contraceptive pill is which, ask your doctor questions, such as ‘Is gedarel the same as marvelon?’ Marvelon generic brand is considered to be the more affordable option rather than some of the brand names out there.

    Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Alternatives

    Marvelon contraceptive pill alternatives sold by My Pharmacy are available with the same delivery options as other contraceptive pills. We offer a broad range of Marvelon contraceptive pill alternatives with competitive pricing. Buy marvelon tablets online uk with My Pharmacy or choose some of the alternatives below. Some marvelon contraceptive pill alternatives we offer include –
  • Combined Contraceptive

    The combined oral contraceptive pill is usually just called “the pill”. It contains the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, which women produce naturally in their ovaries.
    The Combined pill is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

    The usual way to take the pill is to take one every day for 21 days, then stop for seven days, and during this week you have a period-type bleed. You start taking the pill again after seven days.
    You need to take the pill at around the same time every day. You could get pregnant if you don’t do this, or if you miss a pill, or vomit or have severe diarrhoea.

    Some medicines may make the pill less effective. Check with your doctor if you’re taking any other tablets.
    If you have heavy periods or painful periods, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or endometriosis the combined pill may help.

    The pill does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so using a condom as well will help to protect you against STIs.

    How the combined pill works
    1) prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg each month (ovulation).
    2)thickens the mucus in the neck of the womb, so it is harder for sperm to penetrate the womb and reach an egg
    3)thins the lining of the womb, so there is less chance of a fertilised egg implanting into the womb and being able to grow

    There are many different brands of pill, made up of three main types:
    Monophasic 21-day pills
    This is the most common type. Each pill has the same amount of hormone in it. One pill is taken each day for 21 days and then no pills are taken for the next seven days. Microgynon, Marvelon, Yasmin and Cilest are examples of this type of pill.

    Phasic 21-day pills
    Phasic pills contain two or three sections of different coloured pills in a pack. Each section contains a different amount of hormones. One pill is taken each day for 21 days and then no pills are taken for the next seven days. Phasic pills need to be taken in the right order. Logynon is an example of this type of pill.

    Every day (ED) pills
    There are 21 active pills and seven inactive (dummy) pills in a pack. The two types of pill look different. One pill is taken each day for 28 days with no break between packets of pills. Every day pills need to be taken in the right order. Microgynon ED is an example of this type of pill.

    Follow the instructions that come with your packet. If you have any questions, ask your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist.

    What to do if you miss a pill

    If you continue to be sick, keep using another form of contraception until you’ve taken the pill again for seven days without vomiting.

    Who can use the combined pill
    If there are no medical reasons why you cannot take the pill, and you don’t smoke, you can take the pill until your menopause. However, the pill is not suitable for all women. To find out whether the pill is right for you, talk to your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist.

    You should not take the pill if you:

    are pregnant
    smoke and are 35 or older
    stopped smoking less than a year ago and are 35 or older
    are very overweight
    take certain medicines (ask your GP or a health professional at a contraception clinic about this)

    You should also not take the pill if you have (or have had):

    thrombosis (a blood clot) in a vein, for example in your leg or lungs
    stroke or any other disease that narrows the arteries
    anyone in your close family having a blood clot under the age of 45
    a heart abnormality or heart disease, including high blood pressure
    severe migraines, especially with aura (warning symptoms)
    breast cancer
    disease of the gallbladder or liver
    diabetes with complications or diabetes for the past 20 years

    Risks of taking the combined pill
    There are some risks associated with using the combined contraceptive pill. However, these risks are small and, for most women, the benefits of the pill outweigh the risks.

    Blood clots
    The oestrogen in the pill may cause your blood to clot more readily. If a blood clot develops, it could cause:

    deep vein thrombosis (clot in your leg)
    pulmonary embolus (clot in your lung)
    heart attack
    The risk of getting a blood clot is very small, but your doctor will check if you have certain risk factors that before prescribing the pill.

    The pill can be taken with caution if you have one of the risk factors below. It is unlikely you would be advised to take it if you have two or more risk factors.
    These include:

    being 35 years old or over
    being a smoker or having quit smoking in the past year
    being very overweight (in women with a BMI of 35 or over, the risks of using the pill usually outweigh the benefits)
    having migraines (you should not take the pill if you have severe or regular migraine attacks, especially if you get aura or a warning sign before an attack)
    having high blood pressure
    having had a blood clot or stroke in the past
    having a close relative who had a blood clot when they were younger than 45
    being immobile for a long time – for example, in a wheelchair or with a leg in plaster
    Research is ongoing into the link between breast cancer and the pill. Research suggests that users of all types of hormonal contraception have a slightly higher chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer compared with women who do not use them. However, 10 years after you stop taking the pill, your risk of breast cancer goes back to normal.

    Research has also suggested a link between the pill and the risk of developing cervical cancer and a rare form of liver cancer. However, the pill does offer some protection against developing womb (endometrial) cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

  • Side Effects

    Possible side effects
    Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
     Headache;
     Putting on weight;
     Breast problems, such as painful or tender breasts;
     Depression or mood changes;
     Stomach problems, such as nausea; abdominal pain;
    Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
     Migraine (see a doctor as soon as possible if this is your first migraine or it’s worse than
    usual, or if the headache is severe, unusual or long lasting);
     Fluid retention (swollen hands, ankles or feet – a sign of fluid retention);
     Decreased sexual desire;
     Vomiting;
     Diarrhoea;
     Skin problems, such as rash or hives;
     Breast enlargement;
    Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1000 people):
     Changes in vaginal secretions–Irregular vaginal bleeding – see section 4.3, Bleeding
    between periods should not last long;
     Breasts producing a milky fluid from the nipples;
     Hypersensitivity reactions;
     Discomfort of the eyes if you wear contact lenses;
     Erythema nodosum (bruise-like swelling to the shins);
     Erythema multiforme (this is a skin condition);
     Decreased weight;
     Increased sexual desire;
     Harmful blood clots in a vein or artery for example:
    o in a leg or foot (i.e. DVT);
    o in a lung (i.e. PE);
    o heart attack;
    o stroke;
    o mini-stroke or temporary stroke-like symptoms, known as a transient ischaemic attack
    o blood clots in the liver, stomach/intestine, kidneys or eye

  • Further Information

    Further information can be found on the manufacturers Patient Information Leaflet and printed if required.