Online Viagra sales soar ahead of Valentines Day
Sales for Buy Viagra Online UK have exploded to the highest ever recorded, according to a leading top pharmacy.
A 68% reported increase in online Viagra prescription was reported on the 5th February when compared to a typical Friday.
Viagra Connect has been available to purchase over the counter for over two years in the UK but sales have never seen such a huge surge. One of the main factors of increased sales may well be because of Brexit and its likely impact on various imports and exports to and from the UK.
Since the referendum in 2016 the amount of Viagra online sales increased by a stunning 482%. In 2018 over one million pills where stockpiled in the event of a ‘hard Brexit’ deal.
If you’re looking to Buy Viagra Online UK or generic Viagra online, My Pharmacy has a wide variety of different ED (Erectile Dysfunction) options available.

Can I order Viagra online or do I need an online Viagra prescription?
To order Viagra online via My Pharmacy you must first complete the consultation form located on the product page. The consultation form will include similar questions that a GP would ask. This will determine if Viagra is suitable for you and your current condition(s).
You can’t purchase generic Viagra online without a prescription. Other over the counter treatments such as Viagra Connect can be purchased from select pharmacies without a prescription. It was the first erectile dysfunction medicine available without a prescription in the UK.
Can women take Viagra and purchase female Viagra online?
The female Viagra pill has an entirely different way of boosting sexual drive in women when compared to male Viagra online. When a man takes Viagra it begins working on a ‘plumbing problem’, relaxing the muscles and boosting the blood flow to the penis. Women on the other hands have a more complex method of achieving sexual desire.
The female Viagra pill exists, in fact many of them do. Two have been approved in the US called Flibanserin (Addyi) and Bremelanotide (Vyleesi). The first is a female Viagra pill that is taken every morning, with the latter being a shot that is administered via the belly or thigh 45 minutes before sex.
Instead of fixing a plumbing problem, the female Viagra pill or shot boosts the activity of chemical messengers in the brain, called neurotransmitters. They are responsible for the feeling of being aroused.
If you are looking to purchase the female Viagra online then you would first need to be diagnosed with HSDD by a doctor. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is defined as the absence of sexual fantasies and thoughts. It is thought that one in ten women suffer from HSDD and it’s the most common female sexual dysfunction.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder – Causes & Treatment
Valentine’s Day 2021
Valentine’s Day 2021 will be a weird day. No more taking your loved one to the cinema or out to a restaurant for a meal, the usual things to do on Valentines Day. People will have to improvise with what they have at home and get creative with the restrictions in place.
Below is a list of things to do on Valentine’s Day 2021 if you’re struggling to come with some ideas to make it a Happy Valentine’s Day.
- Start of the day with breakfast in bed. Get a tray and fill it with your loved ones favourite food.
- Relax with a movie marathon, maybe embarking on a trilogy such as The Lord of the Rings. Accompanied by popcorn and sweets.
- Have a spa weekend with massages, long bubble baths and hydrating face masks.
Valentine’s Day History
As with every traditional holiday, Valentine’s Day History is rich full of stories and an origin. It occurs every February 14th in the United States and across the world. Gifts such as sweets, flowers and cards are exchanged between loved ones.
Valentine’s Day History is shrouded in mystery. No one really knows the full story as to how to the day was first conceived. Some people will say it’s celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death. Others will say that the Christian church decided to place St. Valentine’s fast in the middle of February in an effort to convert the pagan celebration of Lupercalia to a Christian celebration.
Lupercalia was an annual fertility festival that was dedicated to the Roman god of agriculture, Faunus. The day was dedicated to ridding Rome of evil spirits, thus purifying it and released fertility and health.
As time has passed, Valentine’s Day History has evolved. By the middle of the 18th century it was common for friends and lovers to exchange handwritten notes, declaring their love for one another. By the time the 19th century started, the advancements in printing technology led to the beginnings of printed and personalized cards.
To order Viagra online via My Pharmacy you must first complete the consultation form located on the product page. The consultation form will include similar questions that a GP would ask. This will determine if Viagra is suitable for you and your current condition(s).