How to use COVID-19 to quit smoking
Throughout the lockdown period many people have taken up new hobbies, baking, cycling and gardening to name a few. However not everyone is using the extra free time to take up something new, some are in fact using the time to quit something they’ve wanted to for a while and that thing is smoking. With the charity Action on Smoking and Health’s recent survey finding more than one million people saying that they’ve quit smoking throughout lockdown. This is the highest numbers in a decade states BBC.
The elephant in the room being for most people that the coronavirus poses risk to those with poor respiratory systems. For many smokers an understandable anxiety may grow around the risk smoking brings to their rates of contracting the disease and suffering worse from it. This fear is understandable as there are claims from a recent study that found smokers were 14% more likely to develop covid-19 symptoms. It’s not 100% clear if there is a definite link as there are yet be any peer reviewed studies conducted – however the idea that someone with a weakened respiratory system from smoking may up their risk with the virus is a fair one to have.
The potential risk with smoking and covid-19 has led to record numbers quitting smoking; How do you quit smoking during lockdown?
For many the idea of quitting smoking is an intimidating one and some people may have found them smoking more in the early days of lockdown as they’re at home more with fewer restrictions. Smoking may be a thing people look forward to when their days consist of working at home in isolation.
Know your reason for quitting
However, Covid-19 can act as a motivation for you to stop smoking, sometimes an extra prompt is what is needed to take on the challenge. The potential immediate risk of smoking & coronavirus can be a good way for you to frame why quitting smoking is important to you. Quitting smoking will result in healthier lungs and longer life expectancy. The CDC claim that smokers have a life expectancy 10 years less than that of non-smokers. Having a clear reason to quit smoking is a key part of successfully quitting. Knowing exactly why you want to quit and why its important to you is a big step.
Set a date to quit
Making a promise to yourself and having a date of when you want to quit is important. Having one foot in and one foot out with telling yourself you’ll cut down gradually seldom leads to quitting. If you pick a day and stick to it you’ll be far more likely to quit.
Keep your hands and mouth busy
It has been seen that Nicotine Replacement Therapy can double a persons chances of success. Placing a pencil where you would normally have a cigarette every so often or a straw from a drink. Fooling your hands and mouth into thinking you’re smoking can have a big impact. However be careful when doing this in public as touching your face and mouth can up your chances of contracting Covid-19
Try nicotine patches and alternatives
For extra support to really kick smoking once and for all consider using nicotine patches, gum or tablets. As part of Nicotine Replacement Therapy, it has seen all forms of nicotine replacement increase your chances of quitting by between 150% – 200%.
If you’re hoping not to replace smoking with another addiction toward vaping, these nicotine replacements can be a great solution to truly quit smoking. Be sure to check My Pharmacy’s full range of Nicotine treatments, all with next day delivery.
We wish you the best of luck with quitting smoking and hope that you use this time during lockdown to make a lifelong change to your health.